Would you like a little honey?

AMED 38.21

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Yesterday, we saw that the Lord desires to make you an instrument of blessing through simple, everyday acts. Yes, actions are important, just as our words are important…

Do you know the effect of your words on others? Do they make people smile, or do they rub them the wrong way? Are they encouraging or negative, hurtful? The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 16:24 that we can also bless through our words: “Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (NLT)  

What is King Solomon saying to us here? That kind and loving words have a beneficial, healing effect on the soul and body. He also says a little later that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” (Read Proverbs 18:21, NKJV). In fact, kind words have life-giving power for those who receive them.

You have an important role, even an important power, in your grasp: doing good or evil with your mouth. Before speaking, I invite you to ask yourself this simple question: will I bless or hurt?

Make this decision, from now on, to choose to only speak words that are kind, edifying, and full of grace. (Read Ephesians 4:29) May gracious words flow from your mouth that offer advice, compliments, and congratulations as well as express gratitude and appreciation with a sincere, generous heart!

Indeed, your words will be able to:

  • Brighten someone’s day,
  • Encourage someone who’s down,
  • Motivate someone who’s lacking confidence,
  • Heal someone hurt by life. 

What power you have! The power to do good, to bring gentleness and healing to a tired, weary, or discouraged heart!

Don’t miss this blessing: spread words as sweet as honey. Not honeyed words but words full of honey. Not only will those around you be grateful, but you’ll also feel so much lighter…and happier! 

Again today, I invite you to show love, kindness, and generosity to those around you with simple, sweet, and kind words.

Be blessed!


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  1. William Weber on 21/01/2020 at 11:46 PM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen Lord!!!!

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