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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Why are you cast down?

Don’t let discouragement settle down inside of you. Jesus bore everything, including discouragement, so that we could stand victorious in the face of this temptation called getting discouraged and giving up.

What have you planned for lunch today?

His faithfulness towards you is so great: every moment and in every situation, God always has a “fresh” and perfect solution. If your heart is open, He will speak to you again today. You will discover His “manna” through a path opening up, a conversation, something you read…

The recipe for joy (with only good ingredients…!)

Choosing to think about the things that are going well rather than about the things that aren’t encourages us, lifts our souls, and helps us have a much better day…!

Nature hates the void… and so does your brain!

Feed your brain in this way, by saying: “Yes, all things are possible with Christ! Today will be a victorious day! Again today, God is for me and with me!” (see the Bible, 2 Chronicles 32:8, Psalm 46:11)  

Kick your negative thoughts off the throne!

Know that it’s not your negative thoughts that direct you…you are the one who decides where they have to go! You can banish these negative thoughts, chase them away, and then choose to not leave an empty place in their wake!

Forget what’s condemning you…

Jesus wants to see you enthusiastically run the race He has prepared for you for His glory. He lifts from you all that’s weighing on you and slowing you down. He makes you pure and clears your conscience…you can run for God in total freedom!

Don’t let your doubts have the floor!

Doubting is quite natural…it’s human. But does God condemn you for it? No. Your doubts aren’t a problem for God. They are part of your human nature.

God loves you still!

Be assured that there is nothing capable of stopping God’s love for you, a love that has neither beginning or end. God is infinite, and His love for you is as well!

Rejoice always…!

Today, be joyful by the power of the Holy Spirit!