SandyTales - Jesus walks on water

Jesus walks on water

Walking on the water is often a saying that tries to express the special feeling or extraordinary thing that has been done. Jesus actually walked on the water. He’s the original one!

SandyTales - good friday and easter

Good Friday and Easter

The cross is the most well-known symbol for Christians. It’s the symbol of the horrible death of Jesus Christ. But that’s not all.

SandyTales - peace on earth

Christmas videos

For many people, the season of Christmas is a very joyful season. Gathered around the dinnertable, unpacking Christmas presents, special Christmas celebrations at church, the Christmas tree in the house, and much more. What is the story behind Christmas?

Prayer in University

The One who listens – by Elizabeth

I remember one night specifically I was very upset about something, and I decided to text a friend. When I picked up my phone, I realized I had no one to text. I was filled with so much self pity, sadness, and loneliness, so I just started talking to God.


What is the Christian holiday Easter all about? It’s about a story of something that looked like it had ended, but started all over again!

Good Friday

On Good Friday, Christians worldwide commemorate that Jesus was sentenced to death and crucified at Calvary. Religious leaders asked the Roman leaders to arrest Jesus for blasphemy. The story ends when He is crucified and died on a cross, just outside of Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday in Moskou

Palm Sunday

The last Sunday before Easter. At the beginning of Holy Week. The day that Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem as King. But within a week he was crucified.

Pilgrimage of Jesus

Discover all the places Jesus has travelled to in his life.


Psychiatrist Bram Bakker is no stranger to violent human emotions. Yet, he was shocked by the level of hatred tangible in the room during a court session of a murder case. There was zero interest for the perpetrator’s motives. Of course not, for there is no excuse. The offender must be punished. End of story. For Bram Bakker, however, it does not end there.