What is Sin?

“Sin” is a small word with big implications. We can all agree that there is evil in the world. You don’t have to look far to see evidence of evil…

What are the names of God?

We see the word ‘god’ in many religions. Often the gods also have their own names. In Christianity, God is also often addressed by the word God. Why? Because Christians…

Mindfulness | An invitation for rest

I hear a strange sound coming from my phone. Different from what I’m used to. I grab my phone out of curiosity. “Your average screen time last week was 2…

Girl on Mountain top.

​​Looking to the Master of Prayer

Some have argued that everyone prays. This is probably true on a certain level. Especially if you consider that we were created to be in relationship with our creator. Communication…

Famous people who pray

This list of famous people who pray will no doubt surprise you. You’ll see names that make you think, really?!  Do you feel like praying is something for dull, boring…

Hand holding glass ball

Serenity Prayer

You’re are breathing rapidly, your heart is thudding in your chest. The world is chaotic and you feel you are losing all sense of control. The harder you try to…

Lady holding up a bible.

What does the bible say about prayer?

Is praying really that important? Why would I pray? These are good questions! If you want to have a relationship with God, and to know him more, to experience him…

Woman in catholic church for prayer

Learn how to pray

Have you ever been waiting on hold for hours on end, only to be disconnected when you desperately needed help or to make a complaint. You were then so frustrated…

What is worship?

What is Worship? If you were to look up “worship” in the dictionary here is what you would find: 1: to honor or show reverence for as a divine being…

Mountains and lake

Who is God?

Who is God? Is there even a perfect answer to that question? Perhaps God is like a big shiny disco ball… Curious to find out why?!