God pleads your cause

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“For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at the last He will take His stand upon the earth.” (The Bible, Job 19:25, Amplified version)
Have you been wrongly accused? Are you facing unjust accusations right now? Don’t let these things shake or stall you in your course with God.

Jesus is your Advocate!

Injustice is unfortunately inevitable… Yet it creates an opportunity to see God defend you and Jesus, your Advocate, rise up!

• He is your help in distress (see The Bible, Psalm 94:17)
• He is your fortress in the storm (see The Bible, Psalm 91:2)
• He rises up to defend you (see The Bible, Psalm 68:5)
• He pleads your cause (see The Bible, Proverbs 31:9)


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