God wants to use you!

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | God wants to use you!

Your life has extraordinary potential. It is a real divine gift. Each morning, God presents you with a new day, a white page that you have the responsibility to fill with your thoughts, your actions, with each breath.
What are you going to do today?

  • Touch others as Christ touches…with love and respect.
  • Speak as God speaks…with truth and power.
  • Walk as God walks…with strength and confidence.
  • Love as God loves…in an unconditional, unlimited way.

You are an agent of blessing today!

Humanly impossible? Absolutely! But with the Holy Spirit, it is possible! He fills you, guides you, speaks to you, and leads you where there is a need.
Believe it: God is going to use you today as a special agent on a mission, an agent of blessing!

Pray with me today: “God, thank You for helping me to touch, speak, walk, and love as You do today! With You, all things are possible. Use my life for Your glory! Amen.”


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