Jesus is in you and for you!

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Jesus is in you and for you!

Maybe you don’t always grasp the whys and hows of God’s divine plan for your life. Maybe you even doubt that God is really that interested in your life…
Don’t let this thought trouble you. Don’t let it develop—it’s a lie. More than anyone else, God desires to take care of you. More than your father, more than your mother. He loves you, He loves you, He loves you!

Jesus’s life is in me, and His love is for me!

I declare it today: You are strong, unshakeable, and you’re persevering…

  • because God is faithful and He renews your strength.
  • because your faith and hope are in Him!

Declare it with me: His life is in me, His love is for me!


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