You can do good to those around you too!

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | You can do good to those around you too!

I’m not familiar with your situation, where you work, or what you do for a living, but I do know this…right where you are, you can do good to those around you!
When it was all said and done, Jesus did nothing particularly complicated to love people…He let the Holy Spirit lead Him and responded to people’s needs by forgiving them (see The Bible, Luke 7:48), healing them (see The Bible, Luke 14:4), and/or speaking words of comfort to them (see The Bible, Luke 10:41-42).

It’s the same for you! You can let yourself be led by God and His love within you and do good to people around you…

  • By lending an ear,
  • Giving an encouraging word,
  • Sharing “A Miracle Every Day,”
  • Or simply smiling at someone who looks discouraged!

All of these “little things” can do so much for someone. Yes, you can do good to those around you too! Together, let’s show everyone around us that God loves them!

May your day be blessed and a blessing!


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