A life of miracles is possible for you!

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Did you know that Jesus, in the Bible, calls Himself a ladder, the ladder that connects heaven to earth?

Allow me to explain this somewhat surprising image. Jesus made this incredible statement…“‘Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” (the Bible, John 1:51)

Jesus is clearly referring to Jacob’s ladder from the Old Testament. Jacob had a dream. He saw a ladder set upon the earth, and the top of it was touching heaven. The angels of God were ascending and descending on this ladder, and the Lord stood above it. (see the Bible, Genesis 28)

And here Jesus resumes this vision and in a way announces…“Now, I’m the ladder between heaven and earth! Divine activity will pass through Me. The angels of God are going to ascend and descend through My life.”

And it’s just after this declaration that Jesus does His first miracle, thanks to His mother Mary’s intervention. He changes water into wine. A life of miracles and healings thus began…and still continues today!

This life of miracles is available for you as well. The ladder of divine activity, representing Jesus Himself, reaches to you. Jesus is this ladder, and He is bringing heaven into your situation. Heaven touches earth, through Jesus, in your life!


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