By His Spirit and nothing else!

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I hope that my message today finds you in good shape physically as well as mentally. This is my prayer for you, my friend.

Sometimes in life we have harsh battles to fight… Mourning or loss to overcome, getting laid off, a painful argument with a loved one…

But the Lord wants to encourage you, again today. He says in His Word, “‘…Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’…” (Zechariah 4:6)

Humanly speaking, this trial seems insurmountable, but you are not alone. By His Spirit, you’ll get through it! By His Spirit, you will overcome!

It’s by God’s power that you will keep going today, by the power of His Holy Spirit in you! Yes, by His Spirit, even the highest mountains will bow low and even the darkest valleys will eventually be illuminated.

I believe it and declare it over your life, today!


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