God is always watching over you

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You woke up this morning, after a good night’s sleep (I hope) during which, like all of us, you surrendered completely to sleep.

These moments when we are deeply asleep are unique…we no longer hear anything, we no longer feel anything, we no longer can DO anything…In short, we’re not controlling anything, when all is said and done!

But God…He never sleeps! Psalm 121 talks about it…
Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”

God always maintains control of your life. He never suddenly wakes up from a dead sleep, surprised and caught unaware. He constantly watches over each of His children…and thus, you too!

Verse 5 of this Psalm also assures us that the Lord is our keeper, our guardian. He is at our side.
The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand.”

You and I can sleep easy, have long nights of rest…our keeper is there, faithful, right alongside us, and He will never leave us.

God will never abandon you, my friend…He attentively watches over you, every single moment.


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