He was rejected by his brothers

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Today, I invite you to read this excerpt written by my friend, pastor Patrice Martorano. It did me much good to read it, and I’m sure it will bless you…
How hard it is to go against the tide! The majority of people do not like to do so…and this is not only true in the secular world, but it remains a reality in the midst of our Christian brothers. Joshua, Caleb, and Moses took a stand against the rest of the people of Israel by deciding to take a step further, to go into the Promised Land. Certainly this involved risks, but God was there. The majority didn’t want to know anything about it, and even worse, wanted to stone them.

God takes care of those whom He calls!

Many Biblical leaders experienced rejection from believers. Paul lived fourteen years in the shadows before becoming a major apostle, due to a lack of confidence from his brothers in Christ. Joseph experienced thirteen years of sadness as a result of his brothers’ jealousy before becoming the prime minister of Egypt. And what can be said of Jesus? He was rejected for three and a half years before being exalted as the King of Kings.

Being rejected by those who don’t know God is much easier to accept than being rejected by your own brothers and sisters. I would like to speak to all those who have experienced this rejection by telling them, “Take heart!” Even if the situation is difficult, God will use it for His plan. Don’t let bitterness overwhelm your soul, but believe that God takes care of those whom He calls!


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