Let God’s dream for you come alive!

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Let God’s dream for you come alive!

Today, we’re continuing with the third message in our series on “God’s dream for your life.”

On October 22, 1879, Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. After many, many unsuccessful attempts (we’re talking 10,000), the inventor succeeded in producing electric light by passing a current through a carbon filament.

Because one man had had enough of candlelight, today we still benefit from his major discovery that followed! Perhaps Edison’s contemporaries considered this concept of his to be implausible and impractical. Yet, it became a reality. It came to life and changed the world!

Receiving God’s dream for your life and achieving it are two important steps.

God Himself talks to us about this in His Word: “‘I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” (Isaiah 46:10, NIV)

God sees and imagines the final result, and then He starts to create. When God made you in His image, He also placed a part of His own capacity to imagine and create within you! This capacity stimulates the creativity and innovation that God Almighty Himself gave you.

Have you received inspiration and ideas from the Lord that have never been realized? If so, with the Spirit and capacity of God working inside of you, this is still possible! God empowers you. (see the Bible, 2 Corinthians 3:5)

The desire and power to do it come from Him. The inspiration comes from Him. Only God can help you overcome the obstacles, persevere, and accomplish this dream.

Here’s a step of action to take today: think about one or two concrete actions you could put into place today to start laying the foundation for God’s dream for you!


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