Lord, give me Your strength!

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Lord, give me Your strength!

I’d like to invite you to use 5 words today to transform your prayer life! “Lord, give Me Your strength!” Do you sometimes find life to be beautiful, but also complicated and heavy? When discouragement and weariness threaten to overwhelm you and knock you down, here’s a promise for you from the Word of God:

“He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.” (Read Isaiah 40:29)

No one can escape the raging winds of daily realities, whether in their jobs, families, health, finances…

Have you ever cried out to God, praying, “Give me strength now”?

Yes, we need God’s strength to stand strong in the midst of the storms of life…

Perhaps you’ve pleaded with God…

  • Lying wide awake, in the quiet of night,
  • In your car, driving aimlessly down the street,
  • As you’re cooking and keeping an eye on your children as they do their homework?

The Word of God promises time and again that the Lord wants to give us the strength we’re lacking, whether in daily life or times of crisis. Of all the Bible’s promises, the one that assures us of God’s strength is one of the most precious. He granted it to prophets and kings as well as to humble servants like Mary.

Without His strength, it’s impossible to face life courageously. Scripture assures us that even when our lives spin out of control or when we feel helpless in the face of circumstances or comparisons with others, God is ready to fill us with His strength. All we have to do is ask Him and trust His power.

Whether in your daily life or in the midst of a trial, I invite you to lift your eyes to Him and seek His help in your distress. Ask Him for the help you need so that He can lift you up and strengthen you.

Would you like to do so with me now? “Almighty God, You know my situation. When I don’t have any strength left to fight, I know that You’re there. You are the One who restores, who gives me hope and courage. Thank You for being my strength, my powerful support. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

All you have to do is ask Him and trust His power…every day, every moment. 


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  1. Jyoti on 18/11/2019 at 11:55 AM

    Just a few hours ago I cried out to the Lord asking His strength. I am glad to see this message today. Yea, He alone can keep us going. May His will be accomplished in us and through us. His name be known great even through our weaknesses/ trials.

    God strengthen you Eric, your family and all your team members. You all be blessed and have God by your side each moment of this day.

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