Praise that liberates!

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Do you ever say to yourself that your wounds are so deep that nothing could heal them? That your past is so horrible that nothing could ease the suffering it causes you? There is hope for you…God has given you a powerful weapon in the face of all this…: praise!

When you praise God, you abandon yourself before Him. You express your love to Him, expecting nothing in return. It’s a time of intense communion and intimacy that allows you to enter in to the presence of the King of Kings. The Bible says in James 4:8, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” 

God’s presence…

  • Heals you,
  • Liberates you from your wounds,
  • Heals you from your past,
  • Comforts you about whatever is causing you grief or pain.

Through praise, your awareness of the greatness and power of God becomes stronger and stronger. Your trust in Him grows, and your love for God replaces your negative feelings and your wounds. So, praise truly heals you internally and frees you from shame. It empowers you to move out of the vicious cycle of complaining, sadness, and discontentment and enter into joy.


May you be deeply touched as you listen to this beautiful worship song, “Praise Him” by Terry MacAlmon and Shauna Chanda, today.

I invite you to pray with me…Today, Lord, I want to worship You. I want to turn to You… perhaps as I’ve never done before. I want to lift You up, sing to You, recognize everything good You’re doing for me, and THANK You. Help me leave this place of complaints and discontentment, sadness and frustration, and fully enter into a dimension of gratitude, thankfulness, and praise to You. Thank You for the healing taking place in my life and heart. May Your marvelous name be blessed and glorified! You are my God. Thank You, Jesus! Amen.”


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  1. Teresa Smith on 14/11/2018 at 4:41 PM

    This song touched me I felt I was in God’s presence I pray to lay it ALL by the throne of God AMEN ????✝️

  2. William Weber on 14/11/2018 at 5:37 PM

    Amen LordJesus help us all with our troubles and worries in our daily lives .God Bless Eric and his family for bringing us the site Lord Jesus Amen Amen

  3. Cynthia Nemeckay on 14/11/2018 at 6:18 PM

    Dear Lord, I ask you to heal my heart break. Bless my cataracts. Bless my niece. In you name I pray. Heal my broken relationships especially with Tom.

  4. Tracy Turner Yakimo on 14/11/2018 at 8:46 PM

    Thank you for your posts.
    Struggling at times since my spouse walked away from God and our family

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