The oasis is not far away!

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Have you ever felt like you were walking through a land of parched earth, as if everything around you was void, empty, desolate? What if…God was permitting this desert period? Jesus Himself was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit. (see the Bible, Luke 4:1)

Receive this truth…you are not in the desert to die there but to be trained by God. Like Jesus, you are led into this place, this season, so that you can develop your relationship with the Father there and be transformed into His image a little more every day.

During these particular times, Jesus is “imprinting” upon you His character and abilities, in order to make you a miracle among the nations, a support for those around you, a living testimony of God’s grace and power in your daily life. Persevere, my friend…the oasis is not far away!

I invite you to pray this prayer with me…Father, during my walk in this desert, give me the grace to see this situation through Your eyes. Draw me close to You, and give me the strength to cling to You, even when despair knocks at my door. I give You all the gloryYou have started a good work in my life, and You will complete it with excellence in the immensity of Your love. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”


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