You can experience the miraculous provision of God!

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | You can experience the miraculous provision of God!

Today, I’d like to share with you this short excerpt from an autobiographical book that I recently wrote that relates the extraordinary story of Top Chrétien, our ministry in France, and God’s numerous miracles that set it into motion!
At the end of our marvelous pastoral internship in Arles, France, the pastor generously handed us an envelope full of cash saying, “This is from the Lord.” God knew that we were really going to need that envelope!

My wife, Muriel, and I then went to Rive-de-Gier, near Lyon, where we learned much about living by faith. The church had little means available and at the end of several months, it became difficult for the church to pay us without putting it in financial straits. After praying with my wife, we asked for a significant decrease in salary. From then on, we would be paid a fraction of minimum wage. It was all the more challenging because we had just had our first baby, Amandine.

This was our step of faith and sacrifice, and we were certain that it would be followed by better experiences in life.

Sometimes we didn’t have anything to eat. So we sat down at the table and gave thanks for the meal anyway. More than once, even while we were in the midst of praying, an anonymous person knocked at the door and left food on the doorstep before disappearing!

Often, we don’t receive because we don’t ask. The Bible says, “Ask and you will receive.” You can ask the Lord to provide for your needs. Expect a miracle from Him today!

You can ask the Lord to provide for your needs. Expect a miracle from Him today!


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