This will open your eyes!…The Tenth Commandment

Be Content

Let’s do as the Lord does…The Fourth Commandment

Rest & Worship

Have you possibly forgotten this?

How can you make your friends happy? Well, I love it when, for example, my friend sends me flowers. I just love flowers. And when my friends have birthdays, it’s…

To be honest, it’s annoying… 

“They woke me up again!” I groaned, looking at my watch on yet another Saturday morning. “Who on earth makes noise this early?” A glance out the window confirmed my…

Is it worthwhile?

So, what’s on your schedule for today? Perhaps you’re going to work and planning to spend some time with a coworker during your lunch break. Maybe you’ll be sitting in…

Live today!

Wait and believe!

Be Still

Pray, Believe, Be Still

Small Word, Big Promise

For now, we wait

When your heart can’t find words…

God’s Spirit helps us to pray

Jesus is Alive!

Jesus is alive! What an honor to be able to state that truth on this Resurrection Sunday! It’s a miracle! Jesus is alive! The fact that Jesus is alive brings…