This Christmas, hold on to these truths…

Christmas is a beautiful time, filled with lights, music, and family. As the classic song goes, it’s “the most wonderful time of year,” right? Many of us would agree! But…

Breathing is vitally important… Praying is too!

I hope that you’re in good health this morning, full of energy, ready to face the day and week before you with joy! I’m sure you have many things to…

What to do when “it’s an injustice”…

Have you ever seen or heard of Calimero? He’s an unlucky little chick, the main character of an Italian/Japanese animated cartoon. His catchphrase is “It’s an injustice, it is!” Have…

The Christian life is much more than a religion!

Do you ever feel like the Christian life is just a religion? Here’s why this isn’t the case… The Christian life that Jesus established is much more than a religion……

By His Spirit and nothing else!

I hope that my message today finds you in good shape physically as well as mentally. This is my prayer for you, my friend. Sometimes in life we have harsh…

Do you know the power of wonder?

In the rush of your daily activities, my friend, I invite you to stop for a moment, lift up your eyes toward heaven, and think about the majesty of God’s…

Is your faith paralyzed?

Faith is like a living organism. It can grow or decrease. To grow, it has to be fed by our trust in God and in His Word. So, our faith…

God is not willing that they should perish!

Imagine with me for a moment…What would you do if you had just given your life to Christ, and one of your loved ones was intent on disproving the very…

You fear nothing

I invite you to listen to this worship song that beautifully expresses this trust and peace in God by clicking here. This morning, I’d like to draw your attention to…

God loves you personally!

Perhaps you’re already convinced that God is full of love and that He loves everyone around you… But do you believe that He loves you too, my friend, more than…