God can transform your life

Have you ever heard the testimony of Nicky Cruz, a violent, bloodthirsty gang leader in the 50s who was deeply broken and abused? You can hear/watch it here:

It’s so encouraging to see what God can do with a shattered life.

Nicky Cruz was a young, desperate criminal who vented all his anger through a life of violence and hate on the streets of New York City. Yet, Jesus revealed Himself to him, and once he was able to let go of all that kept him from approaching God, he felt His divine love invade his heart in a supernatural way. That day, Nicky Cruz was completely transformed.

Thus, a hurt delinquent became a passionate evangelist for Jesus who has helped many reconcile with God. What a glorious testimony!

So you see…if God can transform a life that broken and desperate, what is holding Him back from transforming yours? Nothing!

God can transform your life in a radical way, *|FNAME|*!

Let Him do it. Let Him transform you! Everything He does is good and beautiful.