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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Do you know why you are incredible?

Millions of people in the U.S. struggle with poor self-esteem. They don’t know who they are or what they are called to do. I believe the main reason for these significant struggles is ignorance.

What convinced you to believe?

Paul says that we discover God by what He has made. That’s insane but true. Have you ever seen a sunset, a waterfall, or the stars at night and been filled with wonder? The creation is not greater than the Creator.

You are God’s work of art ?

I love the fact that God looks at you and says you are a work of art. You may struggle with too much weight or not enough muscles. You may have a big nose like mine or big feet, but in God’s eyes, you are beautiful.

You’re fearfully and wonderfully made!

You are actually created in the image of God. Isn’t that crazy? Do you know what this means? I do. I’ve thought about this a lot because I had horrible self-esteem before I found Christ in a personal way.

What’s driving your life?

I encourage you to display excellence, love, and peace. Build the best schools, hospitals, sports teams, and businesses. Help others through compassion. Build long-term relationships with tons of authenticity.

Ask God

You have been called to a purpose-driven life. You work on purpose, give on purpose, and pray on purpose. So today, I dare you to ask God for your entire office, team, school, or city.

What if…

When you face an obstacle, ask the “What if?” question. Don’t settle for a Christian life that’s confined to a stained glass building. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you and flow through you with answers, strategies, and solutions.

Can you be led by the Spirit?

Do you believe God has called you to your career? Do you believe He led you to that company, school, ballet troupe, or sports arena for a purpose? Let’s ask ourselves the question and try to answer it.

How to find the right words? ?️

What is the most important tool to help you integrate your faith into your business or career? The right attitude. So many Christians want to share the Gospel with their friends, teammates, and coworkers, but they don’t know how.