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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Wrestling with God ?‍♂️

You can spend your whole life fighting spiritual battles with human understanding or weapons. You can try to conquer spiritual giants with earthy alliances, or you can start walking with God the Spirit.

Whom do you walk with? ?‍♀️

Living in the Spirit helps us start walking step by step with the Spirit. Eventually, a closeness develops. Have you ever noticed your friendships have a unique way of changing your life?

Let me introduce you to someone…

There is a promise Jesus made to His disciples right before He ascended to heaven. In fact, He spoke about an ancient promise first made by the Heavenly Father.

Someone’s knocking at your door ?

The Holy Spirit is the real deal. He changes lives. He changed me. I’ve told you I struggled with violence, depression, drugs and alcohol, but the Spirit changed me from the inside out.

One simple prayer can change your life!?

Have you ever wondered about the Holy Spirit and His relevance in your life, career and family? I’ve concluded most Christians are more confused about Him than enlightened and empowered.

Who is the Spirit? ?️

The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood person of the Trinity. Some think He’s a power or a feeling. Others have heard Him called the Holy Ghost, and they’re not sure what to make of that.

The Three “G”s…

There are three secret steps to fulfilling the Great Commission. I call them the three G’s. Do you know the steps to living out the Great Commission?

What’s it there for?

I believe human nature compels most of us to strive for comfort and stability. The Great Commission is destabilizing. It invites me to do things that are hard, uncomfortable and countercultural.

Have you found your position? ?

You can find your position and fulfill your assignment. You will be a vital member of the Great Commission team. Whether it’s a small assignment or a large one, it’s important to God.