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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

You are more than a conqueror! ?

You will overcome all obstacles and trials. You were designed by God to do great exploits. Hardship is not a sign you have sin in your life; it’s a sign you are on the right track with God. Believe that you’re a miracle.

Do your spirit and soul need healing?

Your spirit can help heal you. Your spirit of faith can be the difference maker in your soul and body. Psalm 51 is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible. Many of you have read it once or twice.

Don’t lose your soul

Your soul is a precious well of incredible resources and possibilities, but it can be poisoned. My mentor once taught me that our soul is the combination of our mind and emotions.

Healing of the mind ?

You can be completely renewed by the healing of your mind. In fact, the Bible says our mind has a spirit. Your human spirit dwells in your mind. Change your mind, and you’ll change your spirit.

What’s the secret to emotional health?

What is the secret to emotional health? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Some might suggest it’s healthier self-esteem, a better body or more money. However, none of these bring a permanent solution.

Ask for forgiveness ?

Have you ever met people who were proud or stubborn? Have you noticed they have a hard time saying, “I’m sorry” or “please forgive me; I was wrong”?  Why is it so hard to say, “I’m sorry?” and “please forgive me”?

Ouch! That hurts! ?

How many times have you heard people say, “I’m just fine, thank you”? Now, you can tell it’s not true, but you can’t make them be real with you because they are probably not real with themselves.

Where’s the judge? ?‍⚖️

There are many injustices in the world, and God has a solution for them: you. You may never become famous or die as a martyr, but you can bring justice to one life at a time. You may never receive an earthly reward.

What moves you?

Injustice should move you and me to action. It’s different for each person. Some of you are moved by abortion. You want to give a voice to the unborn. Some of you are mad about prejudice and racial injustice.