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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Be strong and take courage! ?

You have no other choice but…to strengthen yourself in the Lord and go forth, for this order comes to you from the almighty God who is and will be wherever you go.

How can I steward my miracles? ✨

It’s time that you take a close look at your God concept. Your God concept is what you think about God and how you feel about Him. These beliefs and feelings become a type of filter in your brain.

Are you afraid of intimacy?

Intimacy with God is both elusive and attainable. In my experience, it seems that intimacy with God is something that most people want but are afraid of. Are you afraid of being close to God? 

How has this pandemic affected you?

We all know that life will return to a new normal in the next 30 days or so. I don’t believe that we should or will return to the old ways of life. We’ve been sobered by the fragility of life and our lifestyle.

How do you see yourself?

I didn’t discover Christ until I was twenty years old. My self-esteem was based on performance and the approval of others. These are two very treacherous foundations for someone who wants to be healthy and happy.

What will you stand up for?

Are you fighting for important values? Could this be the decade that you stand up and move forward with the help of God? I believe you are ready to stand for God, your family and your future.

When “my” vision isn’t coming to pass…

Sometimes we stay there, at the red light, waiting until God wants to clear the way for us…But at the same time, He’s stopping traffic in another street and allowing all the lights to turn green.

By the grace of God, keep going forward!

Don’t dwell any more on what is in the past. Don’t fix your attention there any longer. Yes, people have disappointed, betrayed, abused, neglected, rejected you, perhaps also during this difficult pandemic.

Keep your eye on the ball ?

My prayer for you today is that you will start a relationship with Him or renew it. Get your focus on Jesus because He will help you find purpose and significance. 2 Corinthians 3:18 promises that He’ll lead you.