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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

God can help you find employment!

God will give in His perfect timing because He is sovereign. May His peace go with you and fill you! I believe that right where you are, you have a role to play. Your first calling is to be a worshipper of the living God and an ambassador of His Kingdom!

If you can’t speak, shine! ✨✨

When you can’t speak openly, reveal God openly. May the words of your mouth be encouraging! Refuse to participate in slander or bad-mouthing. Be kind! That’s something different! It’s refreshing, life-giving!

Are you an expert in your domain?

Don’t venture forward without Him…you would risk working in vain, wearing yourself out for nothing. Because what the Bible says in John 15:5 is true: without Jesus, you can do nothing…and neither can I.

Are you facing pressure at work?

It’s exactly when you’re weak and can’t cope any longer with the situation that God can take the reins…finally! In fact, this is when His power shows itself most effective. God accomplishes what you cannot do by yourself.

Do traffic jams frustrate you? ?

I hate traffic jams and waiting in lines. I’m not sure why these situations bother me so much. I’ve tried many ways to cope with this sudden loss of joy or peace. It’s often been embarrassing and discouraging. 

May the real King stand up

There is only one king, one God. 1 Timothy 2:5 says it so well: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.”  If you’ve been disappointed by people, it’s time to turn to the real King: Jesus. 

Let your praise arise!

I believe nothing can replace the words you bring to God in your own personal, unique way. Nothing can replace the value of your praise! The Father’s heart yearns to hear your voice, the song rising from your heart.

You fear nothing!

Here’s an extraordinary and surprising declaration you can believe deep in your spirit and proclaim today: “I am delivered from all fear. I fear nothing.” That’s the promise that God speaks over you today: you are liberated from fear.

What is going right today? ?

I have a mind that allows me to connect with God and draw all the love and strength I need from Him. I have a roof over my head, I have friends, and I have the Word of God to encourage me. I have so many reasons to rejoice!