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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Are you discouraged?

Did you know that in the Word of God, we can find numerous examples of men and women who also had this desire to quit, drop everything?

NOTHING can separate you from God’s love!

Life is a gift from God, an extraordinary miracle…which brings its share of joys, hopes, and victories. But with victory there is also a battle…

Let go…He is God

The Lord says to you today, “Be still, let go, be calm…and know that I am God.”

YOU are the one He is calling!

I would like to tell you today: you are courageous; you have the strength you need…the Lord has deposited it in you.

Stay strong!

God hasn’t said His final word. The victory is for you. The Promised Land is before you. You can do it! Stay strong!

There is more!

Do you believe that God’s reserves of provision, happiness, and dreams for your life aren’t used up and gone? There’s more! There’s something else!

God loves to give!

Are you convinced that our God is a generous God? Let’s take a look at everything He gave us!

Do you want to receive from God? ?

What do you want? Help with your finances? Patience? A bit more energy? To forgive or be forgiven? Everything you need, God can give you.

God has something to ask of you…

How often do we come to God and ask Him…what about You? What are You asking of me?