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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Don’t fight alone!

“Déborah, can you help me? I keep struggling with my…

When there’s nothing left…

I was on the highway, speeding up, driving straight towards…

“I did it my way…”

How many times had I bent over the toilet and…

Get up!

What is it that made you stop believing that God…

This is not the end!

“That’s it, I’ll never get out of this mess! I’ll…

One prayer can save a life!

“How can someone as fat as you run at all?” …

This is probably not what you expected…

May I introduce myself in the most personal way? My…

He Hears You!

Do you feel like God never answers any of your…

An Unexpected Diagnosis🫢

“In two days, everything can change.” I had written these…