Adopt your Heavenly Father’s view!

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Adopt your Heavenly Father’s view!

Your Heavenly Father doesn’t think, speak, or act like a human being does. He is perfectly unique and superior in His way of seeing things. His view of a situation is always just, imbued with holiness. 

“‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.’” (the Bible, Isaiah 55:9, NKJV)

Society offers you many “frames of reference” for evaluating your family life, professional life, and the emotions you feel. TV shows and magazines show you the model of the “perfect” life, 10 infallible recipes for marriage, or 15 steps to personal fulfillment.

There’s another way to see and evaluate things—by considering them through God’s perspective! Adopting the Lord’s view of a situation means choosing to believe that He’s right and that He’s for you, even when you don’t know all the ins and outs of what’s happening.

When questions come knocking at your door, don’t try to answer and solve everything…wait in quietness and trust (see Isaiah 30:15, NIV). Consult the Lord; ask Him for His advice. Seek His counsel because His thoughts are not your thoughts, the Bible says.

God always knows how to comfort you, bring light to your situation, and set you on the right track. Trust Him and you’ll make the right decisions.


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  1. Jyoti on 12/11/2019 at 4:54 PM

    I woke up hopeless today, with questions about my situation, “will it ever change, why am I not yet out of it, what is God waiting for, how much will He allow me to go through, when will His light shine in my life, to be honest I was even feeling am I safe, and underneath that thought was another thought “can I trust God in this situation”…

    I believe today’s message is speaking to me, that I should not be quick to decide anything, I should wait, ask and seek His counsel because His ways are certainly not our ways.

    Right now I can only pray that may the Lord help me and those facing an impossible, difficult situation to not decide or conclude anything without seeking God first and then wait on Him.

    God bless you day Eric. Thanks for following the Lord’s lead in sending these messages.

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