Dare to answer the call

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  • Dare to become the person God wants, that God desires.
  • Dare to enter into the call, His divine will.
  • Leave behind what’s holding you back and preventing you from going forward.

I received this testimony from Nadia, who wrote this to me: “One of the messages said, “God will use you in someone’s life.” And indeed, the next day, I got a phone call from a friend I hadn’t heard from in 2 years. She confessed to me that she felt like a force was pushing her to call me. She was on the verge of divorce, desperate, and was even considering suicide. That day, I prayed for her. I comforted her and also asked other Christians to pray for her. Since then, her marriage has been restored, she has subscribed for ‘A Miracle Every Day’, and she’s going to church.”

Sometimes we imagine that answering His divine call and doing the Lord’s will is:

  • Singing on a stage,
  • Sharing Jesus on the street,
  • Or preaching in church…

All these things are good, of course, but because they’re more visible, we believe that they’re the only ways to do it. Yet, “call” doesn’t necessarily mean “renown” or “visibility.”

To answer the call is to accomplish what the Lord asks of you out of love and obedience. “Jesus replied, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.”” (the Bible, John 14:23, NLT)

To answer God’s call is simply to do what He puts on your heart, right there where you are and with whomever you are. I thank the Lord for sending Nadia to help this woman. She was the instrument of God’s glory through her obedience and her love for her neighbor.

I encourage you to love your neighbor today.

  • Take someone in your arms.
  • Encourage that brother or sister at church.
  • Give an encouraging word to someone…to your pastor, for example.

Just love…simply love!


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  1. Jyoti on 29/06/2019 at 5:22 PM

    Wonderful message!! Yea sometimes we can be consumed by thinking that to answer the call we should be “visible”, but no, that would rob us from what we can do each day right where we are.

    How good it will be that we ask and listen what God wants us to do each day, to be an instrument in His hands to love and encourage someone, to bring someone each day closer to Jesus. How exciting!!

    • Maureen on 30/06/2019 at 3:47 AM

      To be obedient is what Jesus wants, so we need to answer the call and lead others to him. Thank you Jesus.

  2. William Weber on 29/06/2019 at 11:04 PM

    Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen

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