Do all the good you can!

AMED 38.23

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Do all the good you can!

I always like drawing inspiration from the great heroes of the faith who lived in the past few centuries. Today, I’d like to encourage you with a quote from John Wesley (1703-1791), one of these people who inspires me…

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”

This word speaks to me, challenges me, and sets me on fire for Jesus! It reminds me of the apostle Paul’s precious recommendation to the Thessalonians: “But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.” (the Bible, 2 Thessalonians 3:13, NKJV)

And it also speaks to this “A Miracle Every Day” reader, who shared this with me: “Despite God’s faithfulness, I’m saddened by the indifference and lack of understanding of our loved ones. My 17-year-old son is hurt by it too, even more so because he lost his dad more than five years ago. These feelings of abandonment, of rejection, as if we were insignificant in their eyes, weigh on us despite my desire to keep blessing, to remain kind and attentive to the needs of others. I know that this is God’s will…In spite of everything, I sometimes feel like giving up. I know that I have to resist discouragement and rely on the Lord who remains faithful…”

Maybe you, too, have grown weary of continuing to bless certain people. God knows this, and He’s filling you with His love and strength so that you can be:

Yes, I want to be part of that group of men and women who have given everything so that the Gospel could be proclaimed to as many people as possible. Those who were so devoted to doing good, whatever the cost!

There are so many “small gestures” that make the difference for the one who receives them, such as:

  • Buying someone a coffee,
  • Inviting someone to lunch,
  • Driving someone home,
  • Taking time to listen,
  • Holding a child in your arms,
  • Holding the door for someone,
  • Etc.

I’m sure you won’t run out of ideas!

I pray your zeal is rekindled today! Stay excited to do good around you. And thus may many people see God’s love behind every one of your actions! 


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  1. Jyoti Swarankar on 23/01/2020 at 7:43 PM

    Thanks Eric for this motivating message today. I do want to bless people around me, anyone that I encounter.

    Lord Jesus help me to be creative in doing good to people.

    Thanks Eric, I will practice according to today’s message.

  2. William Weber on 23/01/2020 at 10:19 PM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen Lord give us all your strength when we are weak in spirit and keep us strong when we are Yeashua in your name Amen lord amen!!

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