Do you have to live a frustrated life?

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Do you have to live a frustrated life?

Trials hit hard. And we can run the risk of withdrawing, idealizing the past, and being frustrated with the present. And as for the future, we may see only darkness…

While there may be legitimate reasons to feel frustrated at times, I believe theres no valid reason to remain there and live a frustrated life.

You might say to me, But Ericeasier said than done! I have great arguments, really good reasons, for feeling this frustration. Youre not in my place.”

It’s true… I’m not in your place. But still… theres no valid reason for living a frustrated life. I believe that frustration traps us. It’s a prison, a place of suffering. And neither you nor I were created for that. It’s important to make a distinction between pain and frustration.

Holding onto and feeding frustration goes against what God truly wants for us. He wants us to be free, our hearts comforted and released from all burdens and weights. This is why, when something weighs heavy on me, I choose to give it to the Lord. Because I can’t do anything without His help! Sometimes, I can’t handle the frustration alone, all by myself. So I turn to God. And I invite you to do the same…

The Word of God says, “…For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)

In Jesus, it’s when you’re weak that you’re strong! And by recognizing your weakness before God, you allow Him to act within you. He will free you from frustration and its negative, destructive consequences. Yes, what God wants is to relieve your burden and free you!


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  1. William on 09/08/2018 at 3:55 PM

    Amen Lord help us all Lord Jesus with all our problems and worries Amen Lord Jesus Amen

  2. Tencha on 10/08/2018 at 8:43 AM

    Thank you Lord for always being
    With us time after time again and again in times of troubles ???????? In our

  3. Sherri Battaille on 10/08/2018 at 5:23 PM

    Thank you God for showing me that I need to grow in you by giving my problems to you instead of running from them.

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