Do you tend to compare yourself to others?

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Comparing ourselves to others is one of the worst plagues that can attack our whole way of thinking. A reflex for some and habit for others, it can deeply damage self-image. And this process is constantly fueled by jealousy or envy. It’s a vicious cycle.

Comparing yourself to others compromises your future…Envy, or jealousy, is one of the sins that God condemns in the Ten Commandments (when people covet what doesn’t belong to them or gaze enviously at what isn’t theirs).

Have you heard the expression, “the grass is always greener on the other side”? Yes, we can often imagine that our neighbors are much better off, so much so that we become sick with jealousy, as this proverb states:

“A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.” (the Bible, Proverbs 14:30, NLT)

Do you sometimes, often, or constantly…compare yourself to others?

All it takes is thinking…

  • He/she is more blessed than I am.
  • He/she is more talented, more gifted, than I am.
  • He/she has better friends than I do.
  • He/she has more successes and victories than I do.
  • He/she is better liked than I am.

More this, more that…and that’s how comparison progresses. To the point that it interferes with your motivation; blocks your vision; and incites anger, bitterness, and sadness. In the end, comparison steals your destiny. Because your gaze was focused on your neighbor and not on God, the Author of the perfect plan He has designed for you.

Today, it’s time to eradicate this evil that’s eating away at your life. Are you ready to implement a new strategy?

  • Ask God to forgive you for harboring this jealousy.
  • Thank Him for the gifts and talents He has given you.
  • Praise Him for creating you: you’re unique!
  • Prayerfully develop your talents…and persevere!
  • Then, praise God for the abundant harvest He’s going to give you.

Let’s thank God together for what He did in Sonia’s life. She wrote, “Before, I was insecure. I got involved with a man who caused me a lot of suffering, and I envied my friends who were successful at every turn. But ‘A Miracle Every Day’ helped me know that God calls me by name and that I was born to reflect His light because I’m fearfully and wonderfully made! Now, I walk in confidence because I know that I was born to overcome. Thank you for everything you do for us, and God bless you abundantly.”

Don’t compare yourself to others any longer…move forward in your destiny!


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  1. Anurag on 24/11/2019 at 4:08 AM

    #God hears your Cries❤?
    “You keep track of all my sorrows?. You have collected all my tears?in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book?”- (Psalm 56:8)

    My friends,I wanna explain this one with a short incident happened with me this month?.I had my best friend whom i Love so much in Christ?❤.She’s my one of best blessings nd an angel in my life by God’a ocean of grace.Last days,there’s misconception prevailed between us.I thought i gonna lost her?.At that night,i cried to GOD,that really from whom i have many expectations i would lost her?.But i believed GOD nd surrendered him by crying to him in tears?.I messaged her nd not even opened Instagram back.Two or three days ago,i felt Holy Spirit telling me to open her message.I opened our message nd after reading her msg our all misconceptions were gone?.I just cannot imagine i got her back by His “AMAZING GRACE”<3?.
    So,I'm telling you to you all GOD is counting your sorrows nd tears Just Trust him he'll give u back double? .

  2. Anurag on 24/11/2019 at 4:08 AM

    #God healed my mom from Fungus diseases nd serious constipation ?.Praise our father Yahweh.??Thank Him Please.every diseases attacking are destroyed in the almighty name of Jesus nd reading Scriptures Isaiah 53??.Praise Our King Jesus that by his Abundant mercy nd grace he has given healing to my mom despite she’s not a believer.Thank nd praise him pls (Read Psalm 95).AMEN

  3. William Weber on 25/11/2019 at 4:54 AM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen Lord Jesus Amen!!

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