Do your prayers feel like bottles in the sea?

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“Praying is sowing words into eternity.”

When is the last time you heard the expression “sending out an SOS?” It comes from a time when shipwrecked sailors threw bottles with messages into the sea… in hopes that someone would find and read them.

Do you ever feel this way about your prayers? That they’re like bottles in the sea? If so, I invite you to read this testimony from a believer who was formerly Muslim. For him, prayer is a conversation with God and the assurance of being heard. (see the Bible, Proverbs 15:29, Psalm 116:1-2)

“I love to pray. I like that my prayers to God as a follower of Christ are not guided, as Muslim prayers are, but rather are expressed as a true conversation with God. I can tell him what is on my heart.”

Yes, praying is sowing words into eternity. The gift of sharing what’s on your heart with your Creator! When you open your heart to God, you allow Him to breathe His life by His Spirit into yours.

This Easter/Resurrection Day weekend, I encourage you to talk to God, with no fear, holding nothing back, being fully assured that He hears you!


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  1. Robert Daniels on 31/03/2018 at 4:50 PM

    I love the topic of prayers and if you do on regular basis. God will here us and bless us.Thanks Eric.

  2. DEANNA on 31/03/2018 at 9:15 PM

    Thank you Eric so much

  3. William Weber on 01/04/2018 at 2:42 AM

    God Bless you Eric in Jesus’s name amen Lord Jesus Christ come in to my life forever. Happy Easter to you and your family Eric God Bless!!!

  4. Miriam Ochoa on 01/04/2018 at 4:27 AM

    Estoy orando para que Díos poderoso me conseda la residencia en usa… ya que solamente tengo 6 meses de protección de mi permiso de trabajó… Eric me siento triste tengo 20 años en éste país….. solamente le pido a mi padre Celestial un mega milagro en mí vida y de los míos Amén…..

  5. Ruth Freire on 03/04/2018 at 6:37 PM

    *. Thanks for the blessing of every day being able to listen to this!
    My family has had a hard past 6 months , we are victims of Hurricane Harvey and not still been able to go back to our home and we have had so many blessings from God, but people has really not seen the blessings and actually has made it so hard fo us to fully receive the blessing that He has provided for us by bringing division and lots of jealousy by those that do not understand how God works in the misdt of of losses! I pray that God will fully reveal to those the blessing to know Him. And I pray that He will take all the negative away and bring positivity to all around us! Thanks blessings

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