Fully enjoy the life God offers you!

AMED 37.14

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Fully enjoy the life God offers you!

Have you ever seen a child’s eyes shine? Like when he or she rides a merry-go-round for the first time, eats a gooey s’more, or succeeds in doing something by him/herself like riding a bike?

Children’s ability to be filled with wonder by everything around them is phenomenal and seems endless. The question is…what happens as they grow up? What happens to us adults?

Over time, we get used to the little things in life like a bird’s morning song, the colors of the sunset, freshly fallen snow, a child’s laughter, the rich taste of a hot cup of coffee to start the day off right…

Too often, preoccupied with our daily responsibilities and all sorts of thoughts, we no longer take the time to savor, to stop and breathe.

Yet, God created all things so that you could enjoy and relish them. From the sunrise, to the comforting warmth of a fire on a chilly night, to the scent of pine in the air…all this was given to you to enjoy!

What if you made the conscious decision today to let yourself be filled with wonder by the incredible beauty of creation all around you? By God’s grace still surrounding you today? By His mercies that are new this morning?

Enjoy each moment…live life to the full and be filled with the Lord’s joy! May nothing ever make you lose your wonder!


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  1. Maureen on 15/12/2019 at 4:39 AM

    Truly Eric,
    Sometimes we are so busy with life, that we forget to enjoy the small things in life that God so lovingly blessed us with.
    I am thanking God for slowing me down to enjoy the beauty of the world that during my preoccupation, I forgot to enjoy.
    May God continue to help you, your family and your team for winning souls for Christ, througj “A miracle a day”.

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