? How do you demonstrate your love?

AMED 38.25

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | ? How do you demonstrate your love?

God is love…it’s His nature. And His love is demonstrated through action. So He’s inviting you today to express your love for others through action as well.

In John 21:16, Jesus asks Peter, “‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’” (the Bible, NLT)

I don’t think Jesus wanted to make Peter feel guilty or uncomfortable by ironically pointing out his lack of love for Him. No, I believe that He wanted to help Peter go further…Because by being aware of his own limitations, Peter was therefore able to perceive this inexhaustible treasure that God had deposited inside of him…an immense love! That’s how Jesus could entrust him with such a magnificent mission: taking care of people…“‘Then take care of my sheep…’”

It’s because Jesus knew Peter’s love for God that He could entrust him with this task of loving people.

In the same way, it’s because Jesus knows the passionate love you have for Him that He’s also sending you to take care of others. 

  • When you see a person suffering, do you turn away or do you try to help him/her?
  • When you discover a loved one is grieving or sorrowful, do you take time to comfort him/her, offer prayer?
  • When you’re on a walk, are you drawn to the sick, the sad, the homeless, to love them?

If you answered “yes” to all these questions, then don’t be surprised that Jesus is sending you to demonstrate His love! He sees, like in Peter’s heart, your passion for Him, your compassion for others. And He wants you to become a powerful instrument of blessing through your words and actions.

Do you sometimes wonder if you’re sufficiently qualified, like Peter, to take care of people in difficulty, in distress? Be fearless: His love in you will grow, and His Holy Spirit will guide you.

Let’s pray together, if you’d like…“Lord Jesus, thank You for placing Your love in my heart. In turn, I want to make Your love known all around me! You didn’t come for those who are well but for all those who need to be saved, healed, and delivered. May everyone be able to see You through me and my actions. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

People need God, and they need you…!

I pray you have a wonderful day in His presence!


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