What if every day were International Women’s Day?

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Today, on International Women’s Day, I invite you to take a brief break from our series on the names of God to read this text that my wife wrote. It is wonderful! Muriel, you are the best! :-)

The Bible says, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” (Proverbs 31:30, NLT)

Today, women will be honored around the world because it’s International Women’s Day. Today, women will be given the mic in the media. Ladies, why not take advantage of this day to rise up as an army of women and make a difference right where we’re living? We have several means at our disposal to accomplish this:

  • Prayer: I’ve often been struck by the fact that in our churches, the majority of participants in prayer meetings are…participants. I believe that we women have a heart that is conducive to compassion, prayer, and intercession. Let’s pray today for the women around us who are mistreated, for those who live in countries where they’re not valued, for those suffering in silence…
  • A smile: Have you noticed that when a person enters a room with a huge smile on his/her face, the ambiance of the whole room can change? You have a beautiful smile…use it! :-) Smile at that neighbor who is cranky because your car is parked slightly past the lines, smile as you get into the bus or metro that takes you to work, smile when you get to the office. SMILE today, and you’ll warm the hearts of many.
  • Words: Oh, how many times I’ve heard that women are chatty! Or also that they’re always complaining, which isn’t true, of course! Today, I choose to open my mouth to bless…blessing is speaking positively. I want to bless my household, my husband, my children. I want to bless the grocer who works where I do my grocery shopping, my manager, my unpleasant co-worker. Use your weapon of war, your massive weapon of blessing, your tongue, to BLESS!
  • Your hands: what do we read in Proverbs 31? We see a woman who uses her hands to take care of herself, her household, her city, her country. What are we going to do with our hands today? We can reach out to that person who is having trouble crossing the street, that overwhelmed mom, that person in need…

I encourage you today to walk with your head held high. Let’s rise to the challenge of being flourishing, blooming women (or men) in our generation. Let’s make a difference!

What if every day could be International Women’s Day?  


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  1. Maya Kunce on 08/03/2019 at 3:33 PM


  2. William Weber on 08/03/2019 at 6:31 PM

    Yes very nice In Jesus’s name Amen Amen.

  3. Pierre laola on 11/03/2019 at 12:40 PM

    Tres belle et encourageant.

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