It’s time to impact Israel


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Israel is constantly buzzing with tour groups. Many are Christians traveling with their American congregations to tour the Holy Land. It’s easy to come back tired, wondering if your trip did much more than send you home with Dead Sea products, jars of sand, and photos that all begin to run together over time. However, the real impact of the trip isn’t in what you saw. It’s in who saw you. It’s not in what you brought back. But in what you left.

I still remember the first time I heard the testimony of a young Jewish girl who came to faith in Yeshua. She said she still remembers the many times she ate with her parents in restaurants on Shabbat and saw the tour groups sitting together for dinner. She observed them pray, smile, and interact with each other and those around them. She said she knew, even as a little child, that there was something different. They contained a light that shone brightly, a warmth that drew her in. A longing was created in her that ultimately led to her finding Yeshua as her personal Savior. She is now a completed Jew.

Why do we as Christians sometimes doubt the power of the light we carry? Why do we fail to believe our lives can change the world?

As followers of Christ, God lovers, our time in Israel is impactful and marks us forever. We bring back more stories, love, and memories than could ever be contained in a suitcase. But did we stop to think about what we deposited in Israel? What did Israel see in us?

Arise and shine, God lovers – it’s time to impact Israel!

Would you like to pray together?…“Lord, thank You for drawing believers to Your land of Israel. I ask that many more Christians will answer this call. I pray that they’ll be willing to put aside busy schedules and say yes to Your love story…shining Your glory and depositing love in the Holy Land. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

Scripture references: ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭60:1, Romans‬ 15:27


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  1. Witek on 22/02/2019 at 10:27 PM

    Kocham was z całego serca myśli duszy i miłości Bożej ,zawsze ten sam wasz brat i sługa uniżony Witek Dzięki za istniejące !-Moje życie że istnieje .Witek

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