Jesus, the paradox ?

AMED 28.25

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Have you ever realized just how miraculous Jesus’s coming to Earth is? His birth was announced almost 7 centuries earlier by the prophet Isaiah, as we can read in Isaiah 7:14: “All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).” (the Bible, NLT)

The virgin will conceive a child. What an incredible statement! It was “technically” impossible for Mary to give life, since she was a virgin. Without relations with a man, no childbirth is possible…humanly speaking. And yet, Mary carried life. Mary gave life, with the Holy Spirit’s intervention. And the fruit of this miraculous conception is Jesus…God made man. A man whose life changed the lives of millions of other people and continues to change them today!

Why remind you of this? Because sometimes the Lord also works in paradoxical ways in our lives. Allow me to explain. In the case of Jesus’s coming, God chose a “land” that couldn’t bear fruit without His miraculous intervention. And after His Spirit overshadowed Mary, life sprung forth, defying all medical and human logic.

And sometimes, in our lives, God does the same. Maybe people look at you and say that you’re an impossible case to solve, that you’ll never do anything worthwhile, to not expect anything of you…Perhaps these are even negative thoughts you have about yourself…

Does your life seem infertile, incapable of “bearing” anything good? Rejoice! Yes, rejoice because if this is the case…you are the perfect candidate for a miracle!  

It’s when life doesn’t seem to yield anything that the miracle springs forth! I encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus today. On the One whose miraculous coming allows the extraordinary to be sowed and manifested in your life here and now.

Trust in God with all your heart through prayer…“Father, sometimes I think I won’t achieve anything good in my life. But I declare that I am the ideal candidate for a miracle to produce fruit in me…like Mary was, whom You chose. I believe today that You’re reversing the most difficult situations. Father, show me exactly what You expect of me so that the miracle may happen. Glorify Yourself in my life, in Jesus’s name! Amen.”


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  1. Marilyn Le Bire on 25/03/2019 at 2:06 PM

    That makes me feel extra great. I need to talk to God, and he knows I love Jesus with all my heart. I trust Jesus with all my heart. I know Jesus is alive. I feel him being with me. Weather it be God or Jesus. I give them my trust and love.

  2. William Weber on 25/03/2019 at 8:52 PM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen in Yeshuas name Amen Amen!!

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