Losing time to gain it!

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Losing time to gain it!

Like me, you may be one of those entrepreneurial people who love to create and like to throw themselves into more and more projects. Paradoxically, you may also simultaneously have a lot of trouble finding free time to sit down and just think.

I believe that a lot of our best ideas come in our “downtime,” when we’re doing nothing but listening, far from distractions. As Pooh says in the movie Christopher Robin, “Doing nothing often leads to the very best something.” It may seem like a waste of time, but this downtime is actually an essential element in the development of healthy creativity. I do it regularly… and actually it was during one of these “downtimes” that “A Miracle Every Day” was born!

Have you ever watched those shows where the characters are stuck on a desert island, without any modern distractions? After several days, some of them say they want to restore family relationships that have been broken for a long time just as soon as they get back. Others make the decision to leave jobs that are suffocating them to embark on more fulfilling personal projects. In fact, each character, at some point, comes face-to-face with him/herself…

Without having to isolate yourself on a desert island with just a few pounds of rice for three months and an empty flask of water, you too can take time for yourself, doing nothing other than coming face-to-face with yourself…and with God. This also happens through meditating on the Word of God:

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (see the Bible, Joshua 1:8)

From today on, why not set aside 10-15 minutes per day and use this time to do nothing but listen to God? Sit down, far from distractions. On your bed, in your shower, it doesn’t matter where. Let the ideas come to you. God knows how to use this time when you’re not caught up in a thousand distractions to speak to you…and He has great things to say to you.

Why not take this time right now?


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  1. William Weber on 01/11/2018 at 5:43 PM

    Amen Lord Jesus in heaven Amen Amen!!

  2. Jyoti on 02/11/2018 at 11:58 AM

    Thanks, Eric!
    You said it well…”God knows how to use this time when you’re not caught up in a thousand distractions to speak to you”.

    I don’t need to worry about this time, but know that He knows how to use it to communicate His heart to me.

    So encouraging to know that your writing these messages for each day was born on such a time with God.

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