Persevere until you see the fruit!

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Today, I’d like to share with you a testimony from Juliette, who saw her life change completely after making God the priority in her life.

“Ever since the day I starting receiving ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ God began to be more and more present in my life.

In 2007, back home in Guadeloupe, I was diagnosed with a disease characterized by epileptic seizures, dizziness, convulsions, and severe migraines. I couldn’t, for example, drive or go out alone any longer…

From the moment I subscribed for ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ I realized that only God could rescue me and deliver me from this disease that was depriving me of my health and preventing me from enjoying the life He had given me.

And God answered my prayers! Today I am completely healed! I feel like I’m living again! I’m not the same person I was before: I’ve gotten my tranquility back, I don’t lose my temper anymore, I’ve asked forgiveness of everyone around me I was angry with…

I feel like I have a completely different life, filled with a peace I haven’t known since I was a teenager!”

I’ve encouraged you to develop good habits to keep your resolutions, or at least those related to your spiritual growth.

The most difficult thing is not beginning but ending, as this verse says that I so love: “Finishing is better than starting…” (see the Bible, Ecclesiastes 7:8, NLT).

It’s at the end that we see the fruit…or the land that produced nothing. And it’s at the end that we enjoy the victory or become sorrowful from defeat.

Like Juliette, persevere! Don’t stop what you’ve started…pursue it until it’s completed! God has good plans for your life!


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  1. Karen Briones on 07/01/2019 at 3:21 PM

    Thanks so much for a miracle everyday that was a very awesome testimony God bless you Eric you and your family have a happy blessed new years!!

  2. Jyoti on 07/01/2019 at 4:31 PM

    Thanks for this encouraging post. It is so relevant in my life at the moment. I thank the Lord for guiding you into writing what would bring encouragement to many many people reading.

    Your today’s post encourages me to keep doing my part trusting in the Lord to bring about the fruit in my life. God’s great name get all the Honor and praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  3. Philippe Benquet on 07/01/2019 at 7:13 PM

    Thank you so much for this serie of 7 steps who help us à lot as realy all the other mess. from long time before… There are from the Begining an inspiration for my service for God here in France.
    I think we have to re meditate deeply these precious last week mess. Of faith..
    May our Lord, as we ask him, continu to bless you and the well loved working with you!
    Yours in Jésus Christ, Philippe

  4. William Weber on 07/01/2019 at 10:20 PM

    Thank you Eric Thank you Jesus Amen Amen

  5. Bruce on 08/01/2019 at 9:49 AM

    Thank you for this word, I have been meditating on the fact that Drs can help but they can not heal me and that God is the only one that can truly heal me. I know he wants to I just have to put my trust in him and not Drs.

  6. Robert Daniels on 08/01/2019 at 2:23 PM

    This is in harmony with the scriptures in the bible study of John 15:5.Thanks my friend Eric

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