Relearn how to listen


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What is the first notification you receive in the morning? The sweet voice of the Spirit of God? Or is it your cell phone buzzing, letting you know that you’ve gotten a text, WhatsApp message, or work email?

One “A Miracle Every Day” reader wrote me something that particularly caught my attention: “My greatest frustration is not being able to discipline myself to take time with God. Being lukewarm and letting this first love for Jesus be stolen from me!”

It can happen to anyone…letting yourself be swept up by the flood of daily activities before even having time to take a moment with the Lord. However, if this settles in over time, this “losing your first love” as the reader mentioned can happen.

Like in a marriage – or any other relationship – for it to grow, you have to take care of it, cultivate the “ground” of the relationship. You have to look after it every day, prioritize it…Thus, it’s so important that the first notification you pay attention to be from the Lord.

As Isaiah said, “The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.” (the Bible, Isaiah 50:4, NLT) 

Morning by morning, He waits to spend this time with you. This privileged moment with His child…with you!

Why not download an app that will help you focus on Jesus and His Word, like the Bible App, for example? Thus, the first 10 minutes of your day will be dedicated to your Heavenly Father.

Day after day, you’ll keep progressing in your walk with God, and the 10 minutes will turn into 15, 30, etc. Better a little than none at all, and I believe the Holy Spirit will give you the strength to keep persevering and that He’ll teach you during these times. As this verse says that I invite you to meditate on today, ““But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”” (the Bible, John 14:26, NLT) 


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