The value of silence

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If you’re like me and use a smartphone frequently, you know that if you’re not in the habit of closing each app after using it, you may end up with dozens of apps open at the same time…which drains your battery and causes your phone to struggle!

It’s a bit like that with our brains: sometimes, we have too many thoughts at once…it’s not easy to stay focused on one thought at a time.

We get several notifications per minute, not to mention the emails filling up our inboxes. Often, we don’t know where to start…and statistics confirm that never before has the number of people with attention deficit disorder been so high.

The more I get to know the Word of God, the more impressed I am with its tremendous relevance to our world today. Here’s what God says to Joshua about His Word:

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” (Joshua 1:8, NLT)

“Meditate”…this word may seem quite difficult for us, especially when our thoughts are going a thousand miles an hour!

Today, I’d like to encourage you to start practicing silence. Everything’s zooming around us, and we’re over solicited by all sorts of images and noises. God is inviting us to learn again how to be silent before Him, to find calm again in order to hear Him whisper how much He loves us.  

The Holy Spirit has so many things to tell you…will you close all the apps that are running in order to fully receive His Word?


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  1. Jyoti on 01/07/2019 at 3:39 PM

    Yes, I do want to practice silence and listen to God whisper in my heart.
    Need this rest in Him.

    Today’s bible verse in an App was “God Himself will fight for you, you stay calm”. I really need to learn to stay calm.
    Thanks Eric for bringing this message. Good day!

  2. Karen Briones on 01/07/2019 at 3:57 PM

    Very True! I really need to stay calm! And give it all to God!! I Thank God so very much for waking me up this morning, to going to my app to read this message for a miracle everyday, I pray to you God to continue for everyone around the world to receive this blessing, of Miracle everyday the Jesus .net team Eric and his family,Have a blessed day!

  3. William Weber on 01/07/2019 at 6:47 PM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen

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