What if the end were the beginning?

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | What if the end were the beginning?

In my quiet times with God, while I’m thinking about what Jesus did for me, sometimes I wonder, But God, why did Jesus have to die and suffer in such an atrocious way?”

The Bible asks the question differently: ““Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?”” (Luke 24:26, NIV)

Yes, He HAD to endure this terrible suffering. Why? Because His death, the fulfillment of His mission, makes us sons and daughters of God…!

Because His death brings the power of life – eternal life – and nothing and no one can compare to that. Thus, the end of Jesus’s life marks the beginning of ours with Him…!

So, when you have to go through times of relinquishment as well, think about this: just like the caterpillar, sometimes we need to accept the death of something so that something else much more magnificent and powerful can come to life and bear fruit.

Yes, I know… it seems crazy… but it’s true nonetheless: life can burst forth from death. What if the end were just the beginning?


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  1. William Weber on 22/09/2018 at 4:48 PM

    Lord Jesus its still very very hard to understand how it all works in Jesus’s name Amen Amen

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