What is true success?

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Several years ago, I was taking a beautiful walk in the mountains. I felt God calling out to me, asking me a question that kept repeating itself in my spirit: “Eric, how do you measure the success of what you do for Me?”

I hurried to respond, “It’s simple… I measure success by the number of people who turn their hearts toward You, Lord. If millions of people come to You, then my efforts have been a success.”

Here is the answer I heard from God:

“You see, Eric, millions of lives touched with the Gospel through the Internet is not what matters most to Me. Of course, My desire is for the world to know My Son and be saved. But above all, it’s relationships that have great importance in My eyes… are these people entering into relationship with Me? But also, Eric, are you developing relationships as you carry out your projects?”

I was stunned. I had accomplished “great” things in my opinion and helped a “great” number of people through the Internet sites I had created. But I had to admit that quite often, I damaged relationships and hurt people in doing so. And as a result, I grieved the Holy Spirit. I missed the point…

Our world is focused on projects, results, efficiency, numbers, money… but God is interested in relationship, love, mercy. God is deeply relational. He calls us to be like Him. Also, He calls us friends… (see the Bible, John 15:15)

God calls us first to be relationship and bridge builders, not simply builders of projects and plans.

Would you like to ask Him to fill your heart with love for people? Do great things, accomplish mighty feats for Him, preach the Gospel to all of creation, make disciples of all nations, but don’t forget what Jesus said in John 13:35: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” 

I believe in the power of friendship. Friendship always prioritizes relationships over opinions and projects. It’s through relationships that we can give what we are and receive what others are!

As Jesus said so well, “I have called you friends…”


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  1. Miriam Ochoa on 25/05/2018 at 1:24 PM

    Amén. ?♥?

  2. YVONNE MARTINEZ on 25/05/2018 at 1:35 PM


  3. Sylvia on 25/05/2018 at 2:15 PM

    Beautiful! true relationships, thank you for being so transparent and Yes Amen! beautiful! Blessings Eric

  4. William Weber on 25/05/2018 at 5:16 PM

    Amen Lord Jesus Lord protect us all Amen Amen

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