What should you do when trust is broken?

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Today, we’re going to discuss what you can do when a relationship is broken. Arguments happen to everyone, but it is possible, with both parties’ agreement, to be on good terms once again. For this to happen, it’s absolutely necessary to rebuild the trust that was damaged or even completely destroyed. And to get there, it’s important to recognize the wrongs done and then to successfully forgive the other person.

In fact, forgiveness is essential in re-establishing trust. Without it, the broken relationship can’t be restored. Here’s what you can do…

  • Present your problem to the Lord. Tell Him your wound or write it down. Be completely transparent. Ask Him to help you forgive.
  • Then, in His presence, choose to forgive because Jesus taught us to pray, “‘forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.’” (the Bible, Matthew 6:12, NKJV)
  • Finally, make a declaration before the Lord that you have forgiven. If you wrote your problem on a piece of paper, shred it or burn it up (without setting the house on fire, of course!).

When you forgive, from that point onward, you are free from offense, and the pain will start to decrease and then completely go away.

Sometimes we might be tempted to say, “I’m going to wait until he/she comes to ask my forgiveness, and then I’ll forgive!” Unfortunately, in these circumstances, if the person never comes, we remain prisoners, and we suffer.

Don’t deny yourself the freedom that forgiveness brings. You were born to be free, to enjoy the life that God has in store just for you. Don’t allow unforgiveness to steal your life, your joy, from you any longer…Forgive! God will help you to release real forgiveness. Know that He’ll do it if you ask Him!


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  1. Leonard Ndlovu on 18/09/2019 at 4:51 AM

    Thanking you for this page and I am going through pains and unforgiveness by now I am praying to learn to forgive whether they come to apologize or not my prayer is to pray to Jesus to help me to learn to forgive.

  2. William Weber on 18/09/2019 at 7:00 PM

    Bingi right on the money today Eric!!!.In Jesus’s name we pray Amen Amen Lord Jesus Amen!!!

    • Hortensia on 19/09/2019 at 4:59 PM

      Thank you Eric I’ve forgiven and keep going for
      Without God in my life Is worthless my trust my hope
      my life is in His Hands would never be the same and
      Jesus is everything to me? Jesus is my source in me
      the one who sustains Me??And my Joy to keep going?
      I am rooted in His Love♥️Forever AMEN!

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