Who are you going to bless today?

AMED 38.20

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Sometimes I go away on spiritual retreats to seek the Lord in fasting and prayer…and also to find inspiration for new texts to write to encourage you. :-)

I was on a small island in southern France, and more specifically, in a monastery. One morning as I was walking, I came across two religious men jogging. I immediately thought, that’s great! Then, all of a sudden, I saw a lady who was holding onto a branch; she wasn’t feeling well. I offered to help her back to the monastery. Leaning on my arm, Marie-Madeleine (that was her name) told me a little bit about herself. I immediately thought of this verse: “‘Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.’” (John 13:35, NLT)

This situation instantly reminded me of the story of the good Samaritan (you can read it in chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke).  Of course, I don’t think I’m a “good Samaritan,” but I couldn’t help but notice that the two religious men passed by Marie-Madeleine without even paying attention to her. I’m not casting stones at them at all; they may not have even seen her…

You can’t imagine what a joy it was to help her! During our walk, she told me that she’d recently signed up for “A Miracle Every Day.” Funny, is’t it? If, lost in thought, I’d passed her without stopping, I would’ve lost all credibility in her eyes.

I encourage you today to look around you. Be attentive! You’ll certainly come across someone you can:

  • Help cross the street or carry groceries for,
  • Help get to a meeting or appointment,
  • Exhort and encourage, etc.

Be prepared, through simple gestures, to pay attention and demonstrate love to that person.

May this song, “Give Me Your Eyes,” speak and minister to you today.

Would you like to commit to praying that God will make you an instrument of blessing?


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  1. Kayleigh on 20/01/2020 at 1:24 PM

    Thank you so much for these inciragen email really inspirational ma god keep blessing you with these messages of incoriment and sharing in the gospel may more people be blessed and grow spiritually thank you Lord for our brother Eric praise and glory to you almighty god in Jesus precious wonderful name amen

  2. Lorin Hendsbee on 20/01/2020 at 2:54 PM

    Thanks Eric,
    These “tid-bits” or morsels of encouragement are a great way to start my days especially when we are discouraged by every negative force out there. When working in the world, it is very easy to conform, judge, or even comply with the world’s methods or ideals to either progress or get ahead and be recognized by our peers for the job performance in our specific fields of occupation/ministry. I just want to say thanks brother for the Godly encouragement to start my day! In His service….Lorin.

    • Jyoti Swarankar on 20/01/2020 at 7:00 PM

      Eric, your messages are so unique, I have never read a single one that was similar to anything else that I have read. You sought the Lord and He gave you a real time opportunity and to write that experience which now motivate us all to love people in action.

      I pray that Lord would help me see and reach out to love this way.

      God bless your day with wisdom, favour and anointing.

  3. Hannatu Aliyu on 20/01/2020 at 9:21 PM

    Thanks Eric, this is so nice and different. God bless you and keep filling you up with inspiration for each season.

  4. Jean Lorimer on 21/01/2020 at 12:27 AM

    Thanks Eric, truly inspiring. May God continues to bless and inspire you.

  5. Nancy on 21/01/2020 at 3:31 AM

    Thank you Eric so much for all your inspiring words, prayer, and beautiful songs. May our Lord continue blessing you with inspiring words to share with us.

  6. William Weber on 21/01/2020 at 4:24 AM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen

  7. Mukota Banda on 21/01/2020 at 7:16 AM

    Thank you very much Eric for the inspiring words, song and prayer. May the Almighty God continue blessing you for your works you do, thank so much.

  8. Bina Embiowei on 21/01/2020 at 1:14 PM

    This message and attached video is inspiring and touching, as we show help and love to people we hardly know, the godly part of us is shown.
    Thank you bro Eric for being you and continue being yourself.
    God bless you for the words of encouragement you send out daily to the lots of us you touch and reach out to.
    Infinite blessings always

  9. Ken on 23/01/2020 at 7:35 AM

    Thank you so much . May God keep using And using across nations to save lives

  10. Darlene Stewart on 23/01/2020 at 6:46 PM

    I look so forward to reading your encouraging several times throughout the day. I use them as my daily devotionals! I have recently lost my husband of almost fifty years, and my only son a year ago, we lost our oldest daughter 20 years ago after a long battle with Leukemia! I spend lost of time alone in the bible and reading devotionals! That’s where I get my strength and comfort. I know my family is with the Lord now and I will join them one day! Thank you for being there to encourage and lift us up. I feel like I know you personally and that you know what I’m going through. Praying for you and this ministry!

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