Who will you lean on?

AMED 39.16 (1)

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Today, Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of “A Miracle Every Day”. Paul has been a great friend of mine for many years. He is a wonderful man of God, husband, and father. I pray his message and audio will bless you today.


It’s all about loveSomeone once said, “love looks like something.” Could it be that we were all designed to lift each other up in times of trouble?When I was eight years old, I loved to walk down the street with a small radio in my hand, singing along to the beats of Motown and the Beatles, moving my body like the rockstars of the past. There is one song in particular that would get my friends and me going every time, Lean on Me by Bill Withers.Do you remember that? “Lean on me, when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.” Isn’t that a great theme song for real love and true friendship?


It bothers me that our society seems to have shifted from this heart of love. The media appears to focus on our differences: Black, White, Latino, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, French, English, etc. So much division and even hate. Taylor Swift says it so well: “haters gonna hate, hate, hate…”

Because I’m a follower of Christ, I believe I should be different. In 2 Corinthians 5:18, Paul called our ministry, “a ministry of reconciliation.” He said we are to love…above all things.

I encourage you to adopt this real heart of love that should permeate your core, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.” Do you believe that?

My approach uses three questions that will help me love others when I meet them. Try these out and see if they will work for you.

  1. “Hi, my name is Paul Marc, what’s yours?”
  2. “Where are you from?”
  3. “What do you do for a living?”

Then I listen to them, then I love them!

I believe the song, “Lean on Me”, talks about building relationships where people can lean on you and your love gets them through tough times.

Did you notice the Bible usually focuses on the whole person? Why? Because God cares about everyone personally and so should we. If we focus on others, our eyes depart from our problems. Love-filled people think and care about others.

Change lives with love.

You are a miracle!


Thank you, Paul Marc, for sharing this today! 


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  1. Laban kimani on 16/02/2020 at 11:14 AM

    I have been blessed my life no longer the same

    • Stacey R Frazier on 16/02/2020 at 7:46 PM

      I feel so strong about this. We have all forgotten how to love and how to really treat each other no matter what we are going through.

      It is always not about us it’s about all

      Thank you A MIRACLE EVERYDAY

      Be Blessed everyone ??

  2. Jyoti Swarankar on 16/02/2020 at 11:43 AM

    Hello Eric & Paul Marc,
    This portion from today’s message stood out to me:
    “If we focus on others, our eyes depart from our problems. Love-filled people think and care about others.”

    This message is so much needed in today’s time, when relationships seem superficial. Either people don’t want to get close enough to walk with the weak or sometimes people don’t allow to walk with them when they need help.

    However Jesus’ love is powerful and we should continue to look for opportunities to keep giving love!

    God bless you all!

  3. Enid Benn on 16/02/2020 at 3:52 PM

    Great song to remind us to support each other on this journey call life. Thank you, Eric and Paul. I just want to mention that the picture that is displayed for the song shows a photo of AL Green instead of Bill Withers.

  4. William Weber on 17/02/2020 at 4:09 AM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen

  5. Hortensia on 17/02/2020 at 8:12 AM

    Thank you Paul and Eric love what you share about Love it’s so true in today’s world it’s just hate there is so much division.
    Love?gets you through rough times, makes it’s easier! and if we focus on others(not just me, me) we depart from our own problems it’s so true. Love changes lives? THAT IS WHY I AM ROOTED IN GODS♥️LOVE
    Love the song! Love is a name JESUS
    Jesus blesses you both abundantly?

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