You are a beautiful person!

20 May@2x-100-min

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | You are a beautiful person!

Can you tell the difference between two ladybugs? Maybe not…yet, they’re all different. Their color, size, the number of spots they have…ranging from 2 and 22 on their wings! Each has its distinctive features, its purpose, its role. Each has that little detail that makes it unique, which we humans don’t perceive at first glance…and why not? Because we didn’t create them…unlike God who made everything, created all things by His Word…including you. “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.” (the Bible, Psalm 139:13, NKJV) 

You’re a bit like this beautiful ladybug. At first glance, those who don’t know you aren’t aware of what makes you so special. And sometimes, even you don’t pay attention to it. Yet God carefully determined:

  • Your height, your build…
  • The color of your hair, your eyes, your skin…
  • The shape of your hands, your feet…

…and He absolutely did not make a mistake.

Maybe you’ve forgotten this and aren’t satisfied with your physical appearance. You’d rather be several inches taller, be more muscular, have a narrower nose, or have less frizzy hair! Or…the other way around!

Whether you like what you see in the mirror or not, you are God’s masterpiece. Receive and believe this truth with all your strength. Don’t let yourself be struck down by the lies of your enemy who loves to repeat in your ear that you’re a nobody and that the world would be better off without you. It’s a lie! Accept yourself, at long last, because God is the One who created you.

I invite you to pray with me…“Lord, thank You for fearfully and wonderfully fashioning me in my mother’s womb. You see that sometimes I have trouble accepting myself as I am. I ask You to help me love myself as I am and see myself through Your eyes! In Jesus’s name, amen.”

Have a beautiful day.


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  1. William Weber on 20/05/2019 at 4:03 PM

    GodBless all the worshippers on here and God Bless you too Eric and family in Jesus’s name Amen Amen

  2. Robert Daniels on 20/05/2019 at 8:02 PM

    I need prayers for myself and a new place for residence. I also need prayers for my enemies according to Jeremiah 12:6.

  3. Jyoti on 21/05/2019 at 3:12 PM

    Yea, need to learn this.
    Thanks to the Lord for bringing this message through you Eric. I first didn’t read it, then today I received a similar message from a different source which also is on the same topic, then I thought may be I should read your’s first, felt like God really wanted me to read it, as He has been dealing with me.

    God’s blessings be on your Eric.

  4. Diane B Moody on 21/05/2019 at 11:57 PM

    I am asking for special prayer for a mentally physically and financially

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