You are His!

AMED 36.23

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Reading the Bible, have you ever come across a verse that stood out to you, touched you so profoundly that it impacted your entire life? As she read these words from 1 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT), “Now…you belong to Christ Jesus,” Lisa Whittle was led to pray in a special way. In her book 5-Word Prayers, she recounts that she grew up in a loving family that took care of her…But she also met people who didn’t want her. She experienced rejection, slander, and disregard, like you probably have as well.

For her, being a child of God changes everything. He chose us, we chose Him, and this relationship gives us a sense of belonging. He adopted us into His family. This reality is a healing balm for a heart hurt — sometimes over and over again by the rejection of men. We have a place in God’s family.

Someone wants you, and it’s Jesus! Just like this incredible song by Danny Gokey says. Because you’re His…

Because you’re His…

  • You don’t have to wonder if anyone wants you or if you have value. You belong to Christ, and this bond is indestructible. You can live in hope, peace, and security.
  • You don’t have to wonder if anyone will be there. In God, you have a Father who will never leave you. (Read Deuteronomy 31:6) God is committed to loving you forever!
  • You don’t have to worry, wondering if anyone will take care of you. God affirms in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has plans of peace for your life. He created you.  Rather than fearing for your future, do what God says: “‘In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.’” God is beside you. Don’t waste your life doubting it. He takes your future very seriously.

Listen now to what God is telling you: “‘Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; You are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you…’” (according to Isaiah 43:1-2).

Take hold of this incredible promise as you pray the following prayer: “Thank You, Lord, that I am Your precious child…My God, I belong to You, and I love You. Thank You for being my Rock. I know that You are always there…Amen.”

God loves you, and your life is invaluable to Him!


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  1. AnnMarie on 23/11/2019 at 6:32 PM

    I love reading your messages, they are so encouraging. I am double blessed when you add a song?

    • Irma Nunez on 24/11/2019 at 6:49 AM

      Thank you so much ..perfect timing to receive this very encouraging and I see how God is with me daily even when I might not feel him knowing that he wants me just brought me to my knees. Our Father God is so good and faithful. Thank you for all your emails I’m blessed every day that I read them. May God continue to bless your ministry.?

  2. William Weber on 24/11/2019 at 12:34 AM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen!!

  3. JOSHUA on 24/11/2019 at 1:44 AM

    Thanks Eric for reminding me The Love of JESUS for my Life, I am happy to know I am not Alone,thanks Jesus,

    • Brenda on 04/12/2019 at 12:15 AM

      Thank you for your encouraging words that always remind me how much He loves and cares for me. As so many others have said, you always have just the words I need. I am in the last year’s of life and it seems my heart has been broken over and over. But I knew the mender of broken hearts. And He has always brought me through. Now at the end of my life, it is so encouraging to receive your daily miracles. Thank you for listening to the voice of the Lord.

  4. Paulette on 24/11/2019 at 9:27 AM

    Thanks to Eric and team for this word today so often I feel alone and disconnected from people.Its not that there are not people around me who care, its just I feel a wall around my emotion that prevent me from releasing my heart to people. People are my priority in every respect, that they be in a personal relationship with God, and that every area of their lives be successful. lt’s just that I can’t let people “in” ,its mainly surface relationship for me, I am a loyal friend, but I know that I could be a better friend if I allowed people in. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, agree with me for my liberation . Thank you.

  5. Darlene Fleming on 24/11/2019 at 7:22 PM

    WOW! This was so amazing. Isaiah 43:1-2 is my favorite scripture. It blows me away to know that He calls me by name. I am His. The song played just made my day. It truly was a mieacle to me. Thank you.

  6. Sunday on 24/11/2019 at 11:22 PM

    Great song by Danny Gokey. I’m greatly bless by message and song. Thank you Eric

  7. Annette Wells on 25/11/2019 at 11:46 PM

    Thank you for the wonderful words you gave. They always come at the right time, right moment, right day. Thank you for allowing God to use you to help others. I especially enjoyed the song by Danny Gokey ‘Wanted”. Lately I’ve been feeling so alone, so by myself. I lost my spouse as well in 2012, it is a hard road I have traveled I know for certain that God is always there for me. Lately, I’ve been really wondering who is going to take care of me. I’m getting up there in age. Now am 66 and turning 67 in December. Just really pondering the thought. Thank you for the encouraging words. God Bless you.

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