You will get through this fog!

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Have you ever gone through fog? It can be unnerving, even very dangerous, if you’re driving. And it also can become depressing, especially if it lasts for several days. Perhaps this isn’t the case where you live, but in certain areas of the world such as the small islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (near Canada), where one of my friends lived, the fog can last a very long time…

Fog looks like smoke, a screen that’s more or less opaque, a veil. In reality, it’s made of many extremely tiny water droplets at or near the ground that often reduce visibility to just a few feet. In all, fog is like a cloud touching the ground. I don’t know about you, but when it’s foggy outside, I don’t enjoy driving! You see very little or nothing at all, you have to drive more slowly…I definitely prefer when the sun is shining, the sky is a perfect blue…when I can clearly see the road before me!

The fog I’d like to talk with you about today doesn’t just have to do with weather. This veil that obscures the route, hides the future…we all feel it at one time or another. When we’re not sure about which path to take or what’s at the end of the road. When we’re lost…

This is when the Word of God comes into play in a major way. It tells us: “And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (according to Deuteronomy 31:8)

And so many other verses that remind us that God is in control, that the fog is passing and will eventually disappear.

This is only fog that will clear…but God, He is timeless, eternal, invincible. God does not leave you. He does not sleep. He does not change.

Cross through these areas of fog with Him. Cling to the Lord, to His Word. Keep going in faith…and watch the veil dissipate and the sun return once again. :-)


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  1. Teresa Stubblefield on 09/02/2018 at 12:32 PM

    I thank God for getting me though the fog in my life. I can’t make it without him. In the name of Jesus,

  2. Miriam Ochoa on 09/02/2018 at 1:37 PM

    Amén Aleluya.
    Díos es bueno siempre.
    Have good day Eric

  3. Guadalupe Godoy on 09/02/2018 at 2:13 PM

    Amén muchas gracias Eric,palabra poderosa me impulsa continuar aún en la niebla qué estoy caminando, sé que mi Dios va conmigo, gracias bendiciones.

  4. Laura on 09/02/2018 at 4:58 PM

    Thank you again. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep walking forward. It is not always easy, but I know God is by my side.

    Blessings to you and your family,


  5. Leandro Marrero on 10/02/2018 at 12:42 AM

    Very nice thank you for sharing God is good all the time

  6. Josie on 10/02/2018 at 3:44 PM

    Can’t wait for my God to clear the fog in my life , I pray and pray for life to be easier . I will continue to go on
    Thank you Eric for all you do. .

  7. Althea on 11/02/2018 at 2:22 PM

    I’m going through some thick fog right now! I’m believing and trusting God to see me through! I’m encouraged! Thank you…Althea

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